We provide professional coaching to help individuals, teams, leaders, and organisations thrive in times of transition.

Facing the Tsunami of Change

Our lives are being overtaken by a tsunami of change that is transforming how we act, work, think, and live. We are all facing transitions in our careers, our relationships, our places in the world, our health, our identities.

Work and career are no longer reduced to simplistic formulae. We’ve gone from 'The Gig Economy' to 'The Great Resignation' to 'The Great Regret' to 'Quiet Quitting,' all in operation simultaneously. The fluid state of our 21st-century life shapes who we are, how we act, and what we know.

The Challenges of Transition

  • What is the true nature of transitions? How do we learn, grow, and thrive in them?

  • What are the key abilities and attributes of a transition expert?

  • What central role does motivation play in transition?

  • What is the right mix of training, coaching, and challenge required to grow and retain our best people?

  • How can organisations support their people so they can grow and meet the challenges of career progression? How do we build an evolving corporate culture that empowers our people when they make a career transition?

40 Years of Empowering Growth

We at Transition Expertise have been at the forefront of personal development and performance enhancement for 40 years since our groundbreaking work documented in our first book, 'Sporting Body Sporting Mind’.

Where We Started

Over the years, our work has spanned many high-stakes arenas. We’ve had the privilege of working with elite performers across a wide range of fields:

  • Helping athletes win Olympic Gold Medals and football teams win championships.

  • Supporting musicians as they performed in sold-out concert halls or led international conservatoires.

  • Guiding engineers in building the world’s best cars and investment bankers in rising to leadership roles.

  • Supporting doctors in managing hospitals and civil servants to lead government teams.

The Challenge We Faced

Increasingly, we found ourselves working with individuals facing significant career transitions—moving from familiar ground into uncharted territory and taking on radically new responsibilities. For many, their past expertise and even their sense of identity no longer felt adequate to meet the challenges of their new positions. Even the brightest stars were sometimes faced with the risk of significant career setbacks.

  • Some had transitioned from being expert performers to leading teams of experts.

  • Others were navigating senior roles in unfamiliar organisations, tackling major strategic challenges.

  • Many were adjusting to new teams and struggling to adapt to a different culture.

  • Some simply needed support to navigate their new reality, while others sought help privately, grappling with challenges they felt unable to share publicly.

What is Transition Expertise?

Expertise combines experience, skills, and knowledge to excel in your field—whether as a pianist, engineer, website designer, gardener, chef, or CFO. It’s a stable state, built gradually through ability, training, and commitment. It’s what we expect of high performers.

But as the saying goes, 'If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.' Expert performance itself doesn’t guarantee success when stepping into new roles or entering new environments, i.e., making a transition.

Transition expertise incorporates a different set of expert skills, not tied to the specific knowledge required for expert performance. The expert businessperson, sportsperson, and musician all utilise these same skills when making a career transition.

Asking the Question

Why do some individuals succeed in making repeated, successful transitions in their careers and lives, while others struggle or fail?

Can they learn from expert performers in completely different fields?

Getting the Answers

After years of research and study, we arrived at a profile of successful transition expertise:

  • An adaptable mind: one that is flexible in its thought process, minimises cognitive biases, and engages in generative thinking.

  • Intelligent self-regulation: intrapersonal intelligence to learn, interpersonal intelligence to understand others, and contextual intelligence to adapt to environments.

  • Personal robustness: resilience and initiative in the face of challenges.

  • Right motivation: intrinsic motivation for authentic choices and growth.

  • Self-agency: actions aligned with personal authorship and self-efficacy.

  • Purpose: finding meaning in work and life, leading to authenticity.

Learn how we support individuals making transitions

Learn how we help organisations building resilient, adaptable teams

Learn how we empower corporations to develop and retain talent

Learn more about the research behind Transition Expertise