Future Research Projects

Transition Expertise is looking for organisational partners to take part in an in-depth research project specific to their sector. This would be done in conjunction with the University of Liverpool.

Transition Expertise would design and implement an active research project where:

  • baseline research identifies current levels of transition expertise
  • intervention consists of a co-designed programme to grow these to high performance
  • outcome research will focus on studying individual performers and outcomes for the organisation.

This research project would build on the existing seminal study and put your organisation at a competitive advantage in its sector.

Here are some of the issues and opportunities we would focus on:

  • Targeting key cohorts
  • Profiling high level achievers
  • Comparing across other organisations and or fields
  • Develop competitive advantage through developing transition expertise

The main thing that struck me when working with SyCon is the depth of intelligence they bring to their programmes. Their Transformational Leadership training has been crucial in the development of our high potential people. There is no hype, just genuine desire to help individuals and organisations to improve their performance.
Diane PlattLeadership Development, Service Provision and TrainingBarclays Bank PLC
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