Sporting Bodymind helped us to discover a lot about ourselves when pressure was at its greatest and contributed to our two successive FA Cup victories.
Sporting Bodymind helped us to discover a lot about ourselves when pressure was at its greatest and contributed to our two successive FA Cup victories.
This is a small group of people who have an extraordinary ability to coach senior executives to appreciate their personal patterns of interaction within their teams.
We used SyCon most successfully at BP Finance International to help mould a more effective top team of management. SyCon help each of us on my team see the others on the team more clearly, and also understand how each of us were being seen. This led to much more productive executive meetings with increased resulting action which was important to our business.
SyCon add a new dimension to leadership and team development. Their impartiality means a balanced and rational discussion and their organisational skills are outstanding. They are the catalyst for change.
Sporting Bodymind helped us to discover a lot about ourselves when pressure was at its greatest and contributed to our two successive FA Cup victories.
SyCon has given Ford powerful techniques which enable people to become more aware of the effect they have on others and so work together more effectively as teams. These skills are presented in a clear, straightforward, non-threatening manner and are of significant benefit to both the individual and the Company.
SyCon have been able to provide invaluable facilitation and guidance, resulting in outcomes supported by all participants.
SyCon provided a great learning experience about ourselves and each other, resulting in improved communication and the ability to relate more effectively.
SyCon responded quickly to the challenge which we set and in a style which was innovative and stimulating.
The main thing that struck me when working with SyCon is the depth of intelligence they bring to their programmes. Their Transformational Leadership training has been crucial in the development of our high potential people. There is no hype, just genuine desire to help individuals and organisations to improve their performance.
Participating in the SyCon Transformational Leadership programme undoubtedly made me a more effective manager of both myself and my staff. As a result of the training I feel that I communicate more effectively, that meetings I manage go more smoothly and that I solve problems in a more logical and efficient way. The ‘quality culture’ sold by SyCon is practicable and applicable to every day work situations; it is great fun to do and the payback for me was immediate.